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Terms and Conditions


Products which you ordered is possible to pay by credit card, as bank account transaction or by cash on delivery. In shipment together with ordered products you will receive invoice and form for unilateral termination of the contract. Keep invoice in case of possible complaints and refunds. The price includes VAT (25%). Shipping costs are added to order.


Ordered products will be delivered by courier. The usual estimated time of delivery of available products is 3-5 working days. The cost of packaging and shipping depends of the shippment weight and starts with the minimum of 21.00 HRK. Check the content of the package when you receive it in the presence of courier and inform us in case of any damage or incomplete content.


You are not pleased with product you bought on our website? Plase contact us with full confidence and we will solve your reclamations within the shortest possible period of time.

If you find during your first using that your product which you bought is improper or you are not pleased with it, please contact us and follow this instructions:

Send us information with number of your order or with number of your invoice and with description of reclamation on email or call us on the phone 035/361-361.

Product that you are not pleased with you can change for new one product or you can looking for refund your money within 14 days after receiving that product on your address.

We will send you confirmation about receiving reclamation and according to description of your reclamation you will receive feedback about that:

  • If it's possible to change your product with new one product
  • If it's possible to get refund your money back
  • Or if it is necessary to send product in authorized service

In case that product can be changed with new one, or when it's possible that you receive refund for product, we send you message about refund/ sending new product after receiving product on our wharehouse.

Refund of money / changing for new product will be perfomed within 2-3 days, latest after 15 days. Otherwise, please contact us on the phone 035/361-361 or on email


Contract of purchase product or service concluded via Internet order or phone order, which means remotely (hereinafter: Contract) with Elda Ltd., Zrinskih 62, Nova Gradiska, OIB: 79240374283, can unilaterally terminate within 14 days without specifying any reasons.
You don't have right to unilaterally terminate the Contract:

  • If your service is completely met and fulfillment started with your express prior consent and with your confirmation that you are familiar with the fact that you lose the right to unilaterally terminate the Contract if you service is completely filled
  • If object of Contract are sealed goods which because of medical or hygienic reasons isn't suitable for return, if it was unsealed after delivery
  • If object of contract are goods which because of its nature after delivery are inseparably mixed with other things

In order to realize the right for unilaterally terminate the Contract, you must inform us about that decision to unilaterally terminate the agreement before the deadline, with unambiguous statement sent by post service, fax or email, where you will specify your name, last name, address, phone number, fax number or email address. You can use attached form of unilateral termination of the Contract, as well.
Also, the form of unilateral termination of the Contract you can electronically fill in and send on e-mail You will receive confirmation of receipt of the unilateral termination by e-mail.

The deadline for unilateral termination of the contract is 14 days from day, when you or a third party specified by you (not courier) received goods which are subject of contract.
If you unilaterally terminate the contract, we will refund the money which we received from you, reduced for delivery costs, without delay, and latest 14 days from the date we received your decision about unilaterally terminate the agreement.
Refunds will be made in the same method that you made a payment. In case you agree on other methods of refund, you don't pay any costs in relation to the refund. Refunds can be made only after the goods are returned to us.
You are giving goods directly to us or send on address: Elda Ltd., Zrinskih 62, 35400 Nova Gradiska, without undue delay, latest 14 days from the day you sent us your decision about unilateral termination of the contract.
Directly cost of returning goods you must pay by yourself.
You are responsible for any reduced value of the goods resulting from the handling of goods, beside when it's necessary to determine the nature, characteristics and functionality of the goods.
If processing of your service, on your demand, began during the period of unilateral termination of the contract, you are required to pay us the amount that is commensurate to delivered up to the moment you notify us of the unilateral termination of the Agreement.

Form for Unilateral Termination of Contract


According to the Customer Protection Law (Narodne Novine number 41/14) we notify customers that if they are discontent for purchased products or received service,they can give a complaint and send it in written form by post, fax, e-mail, at address:

ELDA d.o.o.
Ulica Zrinskih 62
35400 Nova Gradiška

Email address:
Fax: 035/362-362

Trader is obligated to reply in written form. Response for your complaint we will give in written form the latest 15 days after receiving your complaint. Claimant must necessarily together with complaint send his name, last name and address for sending response.


ELDA Ltd. agrees that will not abuse personal information that you left order form. When you place order, specify the correct name, e-mail address and mailing address. On that way we will be able to give you high quality service. Telephone number allows us direct contact in case of problems regarding your order. All your data are protected and used only in our office for customer relations. Personal information are all information which identifies the customer (such as name, address, e-mail, address of residence, etc.). ELDA Ltd. will not deliver neather reveal personal information of customer to a third party, except in cases when it's expressly required by law and in cases where it is necessary for the fulfillment of obligations. All information about customers are strictly confidential and available only where such information necessary to perform the job. All employees of Elda Ltd. and business partners are responsible for respecting the policy. ELDA Ltd. is obligated to protect the personal data of customers in a way that it collects only basic information about customers that are necessary for the fulfillment of obligations. The data which are automatically recorded when you visit website and aren't personal data (type of browser, number of visits, time spent on site, etc.) ELDA Ltd. has the right to use exclusively for the evaluation of visiting website and to improve its content and functionality. ELDA Ltd. inform customers about the way of collecting information and regularly give them the ability to choose the use of their data, including the decision whether or not to have their name removed from the list used for marketing campaigns. In case of changing any of your personal data (eg. place of residence, delivery address) to be recorded during the registration, the buyer is obliged to inform about that change company ELDA Ltd. In case of change for which we didn't receive information, ELDA Ltd. is not responsible for any defects in terms of orders and product delivery. These regulations above about protection of personal data refers only to the home page of web shop and to all pages within domain, and not to other websites referred to by links on domain.

Rolebook for Purchase on the webshop

  1. Web Shop sells goods via Internet network.
  2. After customer was placed his order, we send him notification by e-mail about receiving his order.
  3. Orders are realized through the company Elda Ltd.
  4. Accepting orders for implementation begins immediately after receiving the order.
  5. Orders will be performed if goods are available on storage of Company Elda Ltd. If some of ordered products at the moment is not available, customer will be informed about that case and he will be able to decide about ways of realization of his order (partly realization, prolongation of realization or customer can decide to cancel the order).
  6. For special offers and Sales it will be predicted limited quantity of products and according to this,realisation of the order will be done by implementation of the orders, until the stock lasts, which are predicted for Sale or Special offer.
  7. For every order we will give an invoice. Invoice will be made at the moment when all products ordered by customers are completed and ready for delivery
  8. Customer can modify his order until we receive it.
  9. Customers can cancel his order completely until that order is ready for delivery. That modifications is possible to make by contacting Department for Customer Support via email on: or on the phone number 035/361-361
  10. All prices are indicated in Croatian Currency HRK with included VAT and prices are valid only for purchase via web shop. Price indicated for every product is valid up to the moment when customer placed his order.
  11. Webshop keeps authorization that can change prices of products which are included in our offer,and also can expand offer with new products , for activation of Special offer on websites and make changes in the implementation of the same.
  12. Time of realization the order is period from place the order until the moment of delivery of ordered products. Only work days are included in time of realization of the order. Orders which cover products which need different time for production will be delivered when whole order is made. Time of realization the order must not last more than 5 working days.
  13. Price of the products doesn't include price of delivery.

Zrinskih 62, 35400 Nova Gradiška, Croatia, Europe
tel.: +385 (0)35/361-361
fax: +385 (0)35/362-362
e-mail: © 2008 - |